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National Food Bank Day

National Food Bank Day: Join Us in the Fight Against Hunger

Together, we can make a golden difference.

Thank you for your incredible support on National Food Bank Day. Your generosity makes a golden difference! Stay Golden!

Who We Are

Greener Village is a community-driven organization in Fredericton with a mission to not only provide food to those in need but also to empower individuals and families through education and support. As a food bank and a community resource, we believe in offering holistic solutions that go beyond immediate hunger relief.

Our mission is to provide people with the food, clothing, and developmental opportunities they need to THRIVE.

What We Do

Our services go beyond providing food. We offer educational programs in our Learning Kitchen, hands-on gardening workshops, and sustainable practices that empower our clients to grow their own food and cook nutritious meals.

Why Your Support Matters

With 25.6% of New Brunswick residents experiencing food insecurity, the need for food banks is more urgent than ever. By supporting Greener Village, you are helping to ensure that families in our community have access to nutritious food and the resources they need to THRIVE.

How You Can Help

Your support can make a world of difference. Beyond donating, we invite you to be a part of our transformational journey through the THRIVE Campaign. This initiative will help us build Atlantic Canada’s first perishable food rescue centre, enabling us to distribute $4 million worth of nutritious food annually to those in need.

Learn more about how the THRIVE Campaign is changing lives and how you can be a part of it: